Case Study


Transforming Restaurant Management from Inception to 40+ Clients in a Pandemic Era - Disrupting a Saturated Market with Innovative Solutions

Disrupted an extremely saturated local hospitality market (11+ competitors) by creating an innovative suite of SaaS cross-platform WebApps in 3 years


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An Ambitious Idea Facing a Saturated Market and Global Uncertainty

When Hype approached ScaleWest, they entered an extraordinarily competitive market with 11+ rivals. Their goal was audacious: to create a simplified yet powerful platform for restaurant, club, and cafeteria management.

The functions needed to be robust, covering Point of Sale, Inventory, Customer Management, and Retail Accounting, all accessible across different platforms.

Moreover, they aimed to reduce the industry-average staff training time from a week to just 20 minutes—a feat that seemed near-impossible, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Creating a Disruptive Force Amidst Crisis

Our partnership with Hype wasn't just about surviving the market—it was about thriving.

Within 2020, we helped Hype reach product-market fit with 150 customers and maintain a remarkably low churn rate of 1.5%.

We helped achieve 700% Revenue Growth in Year 1 and expanded to 500+ customers across seven countries in just four years.

We weren't just building a product; we were reshaping the entire industry by significantly reducing staff training time and enhancing clients' control and insights into their businesses.

ScaleWest’s Recipe for Success

  • Innovative Suite of SaaS Cross-Platform WebApps: We led a skilled team to develop a robust system in three years.
  • Agile Methodologies: Our flexible approach allowed us to adapt quickly to market needs.
  • Multi-Phase Market Research: We extensively analyzed the industry to align our strategies with real-world requirements.
  • Constant Iteration and Data Analysis: Through continuous improvement and insights-driven decisions, we helped Hype excel in UX and reduce staff training by an astounding 99%.

Summary of the Review.

Our collaboration with Hype is a testament to how innovation, strategic thinking, and responsiveness can reshape an industry, even in global crises like COVID-19.

We helped Hype turn an ambitious concept into a tangible, market-disrupting reality. The success story of Hype is a beacon for what can be achieved with creativity, dedication, and a perfect blend of technological expertise.

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